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ARTIVISM / WITNESS BLANKET: Preserving a legacy

Temporary Exhibitions: 5000 sq. ft. combined – Canadian Museum for Human Rights

Role: Design Director / Art Director

Artivism is an exhibition that explores artistic expression as a powerful response to large‐scale violations of human rights. It features the work of six artists and art collectives whose work takes an activist approach to expose, denounce and prevent mass atrocities. Artivism was developed by the Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass atrocities, curated by Dr. Kerry Whigham, Francesca Giubilei and Luca Berta, and first displayed at the 2019 Venice Biennale. The version at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights was adapted by the Museum in collaboration with the Auschwitz Institute. The 60/60/60 Challenge was created in collaboration with the National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta, Georgia.

The Witness Blanket contains over 800 items gathered from sites and Survivors of Indian residential schools in every region of Canada. This exhibition showcases work being done to preserve the profound knowledge and experiences embedded in this powerful artwork – so future generations can continue bearing witness to its presentation of the genocide committed against the original peoples of this land.

Both exhibitions were presented along side one another in CMHR's L1 Gallery.

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